Saturday, November 17, 2012

I.B.D.I. Workshop - Geoffrey Fells

Last Monday (Veteran’s Day) I held a Workshop at the Palladium, Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse for the local dance club I.B.D.I.
Board member Karen Choy organized this event, which was very successful with around 55 people attending.
I had discussed the subject of the Workshop with Karen and we decided that I should work on Basics and Developments in Waltz and Tango.
Each dance was allotted 45 minutes. After studying and teaching for the past 50 years what can one do in 45 minutes? So that was the reason for selecting the topics of Basics and their Developments.
The first 45 minutes was devoted to just the Whisk and Chasse in the Waltz into simple variations, then into the Turning Whisk, Back Whisk, Fallaway Whisk, the two Left Whisks, Hinge Lines and finally the Fallaway Reverse, Slip Pivot into the Turning Whisk. Wow, that took a little more than the 45 minutes!
A short break and into the Tango.
Explanations of the use of knees in Tango – bent, flexed or straight? Basic footwork was discussed and the Tango CortĂ© action was shown.
Two Tango Walks, Progressive Link, Closed Promenade was the theme.
The two Closed Promenades were shown and taught then onto the three Open Promenades and endings that are suitable to the Closed and Open Promenades.
We ended with a simple variation showing the Open Finish as a “Chase” action and a turning Left Foot Rock etc.
The two 45 minute sessions went by so quickly but gave more than enough work on the two basic movements to last until the next workshop!
I would like to thank two couples: - Ernest and Karen Choy and Miguel Heraclio and Rieko Ota for assisting me and demonstrating during this first time event.
Geoffrey M Fells
Dual Fellow Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing

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